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Malaysia - Facts At A Glance

Friday, October 29, 2010

Official Name -The Federation of Malaysia
Malaysia's Land Area - Malaysia consists of two areas of mainland, separated by the South China Sea, namely West Malaysia (or more popularly known as Peninsular Malaysia) and East Malaysia. The country has a total land area of 329,758 square km made up of 13 states and three Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur (the capital), Putrajaya and Labuan.

Location -Malaysia is situated in South-eastern Asia, between 2 and 7 degrees north of the Equator. To the north of Peninsular Malaysia is Thailand while to the south is Singapore.

Government-Malaysia practises a system of government based on parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy at the federal and state levels. At the federal level, the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong is the head of the state and the federal government is governed by the Prime Minister and his cabinet of ministers who report to the Parliament which comprises two houses, namely a house of Representatives and a Senate. At the State level, the head (Ruler) of state is either the Sultan, Raja or Yang Di-Pertua Besar, while Yang Di-Pertua Negeri is the head of the state where there is no ruler.

In keeping with the concept of Parliamentary Democracy which forms the basis of the government administration in Malaysia, the Federal Constitution (the supreme law of the nation) underlines the distribution of governing powers among the Executive, Judicial and Legislative Authorities. The Executive branch is headed by the Prime Minister, Honourable Datuk Seri Abdullah bin Ahmad Badawi.

Parliamentary general elections are held every five years to elect the members of Parliament or the people's representatives.

Supreme Head of State - In this system of constitutional monarchy The Yang di-Pertuan Agong is the King or Supreme Head of State as provided by the Constitution. The King performs his official duties with the advice of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet as provided for by the Constitution. His Majesty also holds the position of the Islamic Religious Head for the States of Penang, Malacca,Sabah, Sarawak, and the Federal Territories. As Malaysia's Supreme Head of State, the King is also the Supreme Commander of the Malaysian Armed Forces.

His Majesty, The Yang di-Pertuan Agong, is elected out of nine hereditary rulers (or Sultans) every five years by the Conference of Rulers. Malaysia is the only country in the world to have a rotating system of Kings.
Independence - 31st August 1957
Population -Estimated 26.1 million (in 2005)
Capital -Kuala Lumpur
People -Dubbed as "Mini Asia", Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-ethnic country where the majorities are the Malays, Chinese and Indian. In addition, there are some 29 ethnic groups including the majority groups of Dayaks (in Sarawak) and Kadazans (in Sabah).

(It is estimated that 66.2% of the population are made up of Malays, Malay related and aboriginal people; 25.1% are Chinese; while Indians make up 7.4% and another 1.3% comprises other races).
Language - Bahasa Melayu is the national language, although English is widely used and spoken. The Mandarin language and Chinese dialects, particularly Cantonese and Hokkien, as well as Indian dialects like Tamil and Hindi are common among the Chinese and Indian communities respectively.
Religion - Islam is the official religion of the nation. However, the Malaysian Constitution guarantees freedom of worship and as such, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism make up the other primary religions embraced by the Malaysian society.
Currency & Exchange Rate-All transactions in Malaysia are carried out using the official Malaysian currency of Ringgit (RM), which is in the form of notes, in the denominations of RM1, RM2, RM5, RM10, RM50 and RM100, and Sen, which is in the form of coins that include 1 sen, 5 sen, 10 sen, 20 sen and 50 sen. As at 16th of August 2006, the exchange rate is US$1 = RM3.71 and all major currencies can be exchanged for the Ringgit.
Country Code +60
Time Difference The standard Malaysian time is 8 hours ahead of the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time and 16 hours ahead of the United State Pacific Standard time.
Climate Malaysia has a pleasant tropical climate and is generally warm all the year round with temperatures ranging from 21°C to 32°C. The general weather is humid with annual rainfall varying from 2,000mm to 2,500mm.
Natural Resources Tin, petroleum, timber, copper, iron ore, natural gas, bauxite.
Trade & Economy Malaysia is today the leading producer and exporter of manufactured products such as semiconductors, audio-visual products, electrical & electronics goods, palm oil-based products, timber-based products and rubber-dipped products in the world. Malaysia also stands out as one of the largest producers of palm oil, natural rubber, tin, timber, cocoa beans, pepper and liquefied natural gas in the world.

Malaysia is ranked the 26th most competitive economy in the world according to the Global Competitive Report 2006-2007, released by the World Economic Forum.

In the just released World Bank report entitled "Doing Business 2007", Malaysia emerged as the 25th most business-friendly nation in the world out of the 175 economies surveyed.

The Globalisation Index 2006 undertaken by the US-based Foreign Policy Magazine and A.T.Kearney has ranked Malaysia as the world's 19th most globalised country.

Kuala Lumpur city is being rated as the least expensive city in the world on food, electronic goods, clothes, public transport, hotel rates and entertainment for Western visitors, in a recent surveyed of 71 cities worldwide by Swiss banking giant, UBS The per capital GNP for the year 2005 is RM18,891 (US$5,105and is projected to exceed RM20,000 by year 2007.


Discovering A Wonderful Nation !!!

Introducing Malaysia’s Success
Malaysia has grown tremendously and has developed rapidly since its independence 51 years ago (1957 - 2008). Soaring like an eagle, the country has evolved into a high technology nation with its own Silicon Valley and many high technology buildings, some of which were built to depict the rich heritage of Malaysia, e.g. the Petronas Twin Towers. Malaysia has experienced a steady economic progression and rapid infrastructure development which Malaysians are truly proud of.

Malaysia is a country with a harmonious and peaceful living environment where various ethnic groups mingle amicably through mutual understanding and tolerance fostered over several decades of coexistence. The harmonious relationship between different races in Malaysia has made it a model for many developing countries to emulate.

Over the years, Malaysia has become more efficient and competitive globally. In the International Institute of Management Development’s (IMD) World Competitiveness Yearbook 2008, Malaysia was ranked 19th place in the world, moving up four spots from 23rd place in 2007. This Competitiveness Scoreboard is calculated by combining four factors of competitiveness: Economic Performance, Government Efficiency, Business Efficiency and Infrastructure.

In another world ranking, i.e. the Geneva-based World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index 2008-2009, Malaysia was ranked number 21 out of 130 economies/countries in the world, which was five spots higher than the 2006-2007 ranking. This ranking indicates that Malaysia is one of the most efficient economies in the region, with flexible labour markets and public institutions that in many areas (e.g. rule of law, the legal system, infrastructure) are operating at the level of top performing new European Union members.

In the World Bank’s annual country economy ranking on ‘the ease of doing business’, Malaysia has also leapt five places from the 25th spot in the 2008 report to 20th out of 181 economies/countries surveyed in the 2009 report. This high ranking index means that Malaysia has achieved a regulatory environment that is very conducive for the operation of business.

Malaysia is the 24th most globalised country in the world, according to the KOF Index of Globalisation. This index measures the country’s economic, social and political dimensions of globalisation. Today, Malaysia stands among the top 20 trading nations. It trades with over 234 economies across the globe and the country’s total trade has surpassed the RM1 trillion mark. While Malaysia still depends heavily on export and international trade, domestic demand remains strong which accounts for 58.5% of its GDP.

Besides economic achievement, Malaysia is endowed with a rich natural heritage. It has a 130-million-year-old rainforest that is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. Decorated with beautiful coastlines, idyllic beaches, secluded islands and majestic mountains, Malaysia is an excellent destination for outdoor and recreational activities. Malaysia takes pride in having three “UNESCO World Heritage Sites”. They are the historic cities of George Town (Penang) and Melaka; Gunung Mulu National Park; and Kinabalu National Park.

Malaysia has also ventured into space exploration. Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszafar Shukor, an orthopedic surgeon and university lecturer is the first Malaysian cosmonaut to go into space. He left Earth on 10 October 2007 and returned after 11 days on 21 October 2007. He was aboard the Soyuz TMA-II spacecraft from Kazakhstan’s Baikonur launch pad alongside Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and American astronaut Peggy Whitson.

Besides these, Malaysia is a Shopping Paradise and is also popularly known as Asia’s Food Paradise. The various cultures found in Malaysia result in a harmonious blend of mouth-watering food. A much soughtafter tourist attraction, Malaysia has been rightfully tagged ‘Malaysia, truly Asia’ as it offers a wide variety of Asian delicacies.

Malaysia can easily be accessed from any part of the world via air or sea and co-exists harmoniously with its neighbouring countries in the south-east Asian region as well as the world. Lonely Planet, one of the most widely read travel guidebook has picked Malaysia as one of the world’s top destination for 2008. “Malaysia is one of the most pleasant, hassle-free countries to visit in Southeast Asia. It’s buoyant and wealthy, and has moved towards a pluralist culture based on a vibrant and interesting fusion of Malay, Chinese, Indian and indigenous cultures and customs.”

In terms of cost of living, the city of Kuala Lumpur (KL) is rated among the least expensive cities in the world. The ECA International has ranked Kuala Lumpur number 203 out of 231 cities worldwide in their 2008 survey of the most expensive cities in the world. The Japan Long- Stay Foundation in 2007 also ranked Malaysia as the top long-haul destination for Japanese. In another 2008 Cost of Living (COL) survey by Mercer, KL was ranked 106th position which indicates the city as one of the lowest cost cities in the world,

Higher Education opportunities are abundant for international students at an affordable cost. Come to Malaysia to develop your “Asian Connection and Network’ as well as to learn from a country of great diversity, rapid economic development and people living in peace and harmony!

Malaysia welcomes foreigners like you who are able to contribute to the economic well-being of the country. With a population of 27 million, Malaysia currently accommodates 50,000 international students; 40,000 skilled expatriate workers and more than two million foreign workers.

Malaysia’s Location, States & Climate
The Location
Malaysia comprises West Malaysia and East Malaysia, covering a total land area of about 329,758 square km. These two mainlands are separated by the South China Sea, approximately 40 miles apart. West Malaysia is a peninsular flanked by the South China Sea on the east and the Straits of Malacca on the west with Thailand as its northern neighbour and Singapore sitting at the south. East Malaysia occupies the northern zone of the Borneo Island.
Malaysia is located 7 degrees north of the Equator in the heart of south-east Asia, at a longitude of 8 hours ahead of the GMT and 16 hours ahead of the US Pacific Standard time. Malaysia is accessible from any part of the world via air or sea. It is located in a zone that does not experience any drastic weather changes or serious natural calamities such as earthquakes and tornados. Malaysia’s strategic location makes it a good choice for multinationals with regional businesses to set up their headquarters here.

The States
West Malaysia (or better known as Peninsular Malaysia) comprises 11 states (namely Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Penang, Selangor and Terengganu) with a higher level of infrastructure development compared to East Malaysia which consists of two states - Sabah and Sarawak. East Malaysia is rich in natural resources that include a variety of flora and fauna in its natural habitats as well as adventure-filled mountains and caves. Besides the 13 states, there are three Federal Territories (namely Kuala Lumpur - the capital of Malaysia; Putrajaya - the Federal Government Administrative Centre; and Labuan - a ‘Tax-free Haven’ island located off the coast of Sabah).

The Climate
Malaysia has a pleasant tropical climate and is generally hot and humid throughout the year as it is close to the equator. Temperatures are around 30°C during the day and 25°C at night in the lowland and between 21°C to 28°C in the highlands. Light cotton, cool and casual clothing is recommended all year round.

Rainfall in Malaysia is often unpredictable, but generally falls at an average of 250 centimetres (100 inches) annually in West Malaysia and 300 centimetres in Sabah and Sarawak (East Malaysia).

Winds here are often influenced by the north-east and south-west monsoons that blow alternately during the year. The north-east monsoon blows from the months of November to April and would bring heavy rains to the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia as well as to Sabah and Sarawak. The south-west monsoon season is on the other hand drier, resulting in a dry period for the whole country and in particular the west coast of West Malaysia.

The Government of Malaysia
Malaysia practises a system of government based on parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy at the federal and state levels.
In keeping with the concept of parliamentary democracy, the Federal Constitution (the supreme law of the nation) underlines the distribution of governing powers among the Executive, Judicial and Legislative Authorities. The separation of governing power occurs both at the Federal and State Government level.

The Executive branch at the Federal Government level is governed by the Prime Minister and his Cabinet of Ministers, who report to the Parliament (the legislative authority for Malaysia that formulates federal laws applicable to the country) which comprises two houses, namely, a house of representatives and a senate. The House of Representatives is called the Dewan Rakyat, while the senate is called the Dewan Negara. The House of Representatives are elected by the people during the general election to serve a five-year term. The leader of the political party which wins the most number of parliamentary seats during the general election will be made the Prime Minister who sits at the helm of the country.

Malaysia also practises the system of constitutional monarchy, where the The Yang di-Pertuan Agong is the King or Supreme Head of State as provided by the Constitution. The full official title for His Majesty is Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong. The King performs his ‘official duties’ upon the advice of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet as provided for by the Constitution. His Majesty also holds the position of the Islamic Religious Head for the states of Penang, Melaka, Sabah, Sarawak, and the Federal Territories as well as to carry out the responsibility provided in the Federal Constitution. As Malaysia’s Supreme Head of State, the King is also the Supreme Commander of the Malaysian Armed Forces.

The King is chosen on a rotational basis for a five-year term from among the hereditary rulers, or Sultans, of the nine royal states of Malaysia (i.e. Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Selangor and Terengganu). Meanwhile, for the remaining states that are not administered by a Sultan, (namely Melaka, Penang, Sabah and Sarawak) they are ruled by Governors or the ‘Tuan Yang Terutama Yang Di-Pertua Negeri’.

Heads of State Governments and Federal Territories
The 13 states in Malaysia, namely Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Penang, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor and Terengganu have their own respective state governments. As at the Federal level, there is a corresponding separation of governing powers at the State level – among the Executive, Judicial and Legislative Authorities – in line with the concept of federalism.

Unlike the 13 States, the three Federal Territories, namely Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan are administered under the authorities of the Ministry of Federal Territories. The Federal Territories have equivalent status to other states in Malaysia but do not have a head of state or a state assembly.

The Prime Minister is also the leader of UMNO, or the United Malay National Organisation, which is the main political party that represents the Malays in Malaysia. As the chief of UMNO, he is also the head of the Barisan Nasional (or National Front), which is a coalition of various ethnic-based political parties namely, MCA (Malaysian Chinese Association), which represents the Chinese community, and MIC (Malaysian Indian Congress) which represents the Indians. Besides these three parties, the National Front is also made up of various smaller political parties that represent the various ethnic groups in East Malaysia, as well as some smaller political parties based in West Malaysia.

This politically-stable nation emphasises the sharing of power among its diverse ethnicities and the Government ensures a peaceful and harmonious relationship among the races, thus enabling Malaysia to gain recognition and acknowledgement as a “role model” country which is stable.

The Economy of Malaysia
When the nation first gained independence in 1957, the economy was completely dependent on rubber and tin. However, our ability to transform the economy since the 1970s has turned it into one where the industrial and services sectors contribute almost 90% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The per capital GNP for 2007 is RM23,115 (USD6,600) and the unemployment rate was 3.2% in 2007.
Presently, the country is a well-developed high-end technology nation with advanced physical infrastructure like the Multimedia Super Corridor (the world’s longest technology ‘corridor’ that helps companies of the world to test the limits of technology). Besides having built the world’s tallest twin-tower (The Petronas Twin Tower), Malaysia has also constructed one of the world’s first smart cities (Putrajaya) which runs on an e-platform. Kuala Lumpur is one of the few cities in the world that offers an express train service between the airport and the city (the KLIA Express). Malaysia is ranked the 21st most competitive economy in the world out of 130 economies surveyed, according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 released by the World Economic Forum. The 11 pillars adopted by the Global Competitiveness Index that relate to the countries’ productivity and competitiveness are (1) Institutions, (2) Infrastructure, (3) Macroeconomy, (4) Health & primary education, (5) Higher education & training, (6) Goods market efficiency, (7) Labor market efficiency, (8) Financial market sophistication, (9)Technological readiness, (10) Market size, (11) Business sophistication, and (12) Innovation.

In the just released World Bank report titled “Doing Business 2009” with the objective of ranking economies on their ease of doing business, Malaysia emerged as the 20th most business-friendly nation in the world out of the 181 economies surveyed. This high ranking on the ease of doing business index means the regulatory environment is conducive to the operation of business. The KOF Index of Globalisation 2008 has ranked Malaysia as the world’s 24th most globalised country. The Index measures the country’s economic, social and political dimensions of globalisation. Malaysia and Singapore are the only two countries from Asia to be ranked among the top 25.

Malaysia has been and is the world’s current leading producer and exporter of manufactured products such as rubber-dipped products, electrical and electronics goods, palm oil-based products, timber-based products, petroleum and petroleum products in the world. It also stands out as one of the world’s largest producers of palm oil, natural rubber, tin, timber, cocoa beans, pepper and liquefied natural gas.

As such, Malaysia truly lives up to the status of one of the most developed nations in the southeast Asian region.

Robust Economy
As an indicator of a robust economy, Malaysia’s international reserves continue to increase to RM388 billion (USD110.9 billion) as at 15 September 2008 - sufficient to finance 9.2 months of retained imports and is 6.3 times the short-term external debts.

Malaysia achieved a growth rate of 6.3% in 2007. With an all-year round strong growth displayed by the Gross National Income (GNI) at the current price of RM628,106 million (USD179,459 million) in 2007, the per capita income of Malaysians has increased significantly, from a mere RM1,132 33 years ago in 1970 to RM23,115 (USD6,600) in 2007; and is now ranked among the highest in this region. In 2007, the trade surplus showed a record of RM100,339 million. This is the ninth year of consecutive trade surplus since 1997. The trade surplus continues into 2008.

As of July 2008, the trade surplus was RM81,983 million. The growth rate for 2008 is expected to expand at a slower rate (forecasted at a modest 5-6%) due to global economic uncertainties.

Malaysia offers among the lowest Corporate Tax in this region:
Resident and non-resident companies 26%
Resident companies with paid-up capital of RM2.5 million (USD714,285) or less at the beginning of the basis period for a year of assessment.
- on the first RM500,000 (USD142,857) chargeable income
- on subsequent chargeable income 20%
Malaysia has also emerged as the first country to issue global Islamic bonds, known as the Sukuk Al-Ijarah. Another significant achievement of the country was the establishment of the Islamic Financial Services Board in Kuala Lumpur to ensure stability and to strengthen the global Islamic financial industry. With these achievements, Malaysia has now become a model in the expansion of the Islamic financial system among Islamic countries. Recognised as an advanced and progressive Islamic nation, Malaysia has succeeded in undertaking the jihad in many aspects of development, particularly in economic, social, religious and political development. Malaysia has proven the capability of the Islamic community in this age.

Another prominent sector of export is the tourism industry. ‘Malaysia, truly Asia’ is a tagline embraced by Malaysia and the millions of tourists who visit Malaysia. Serving the tourists is the efficient KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) with the national carrier Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and ‘budget carrier’ AirAsia. The tourism sector attracted 20 million tourists to Malaysia in 2007.

As for the country’s foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow, the Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA) expects the inflow for this year (2008) to surpass last year’s RM33.5 billion. Foreign investments are flowing into sectors like high-end manufacturing, property development, information technology, banking and biotechnology.

There is an ambitious plan to build five economic corridors – Iskandar Development Region (IDR), North Corridor Economic Region (NCER), East Coast Economic Region (ECER), Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) and Sarawak Corridor of Renewal Energy (SCORE). These economic corridors are largely aimed at wooing private investments while raising the socioeconomic status of the people in these regions.

The Malaysian Currency & Exchange Rates
Monetary transactions are conducted in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) and sen. The notes are in denominations of RM1, RM2, RM5, RM10, RM50, and RM100. Coins are issued in 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 sen pieces. Credit cards are also widely accepted at commercial businesses, while travellers’ cheques may also be changed at any commercial bank, hotel or authorised money changers. As at 14 October 2008, the exchange rate is in the region of USD1 = RM3.50 and all major currencies can be exchanged for the Ringgit.

The People of Malaysia
Dubbed as ‘Mini Asia’, Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-ethnic country with 27 million people living together harmoniously in mutual understanding and tolerance. The three major races in Malaysia are Malay, Chinese and Indian. The smaller number of multi-ethnic races include Peranakan (Straits Chinese), Orang Asli and Eurasians (who are mainly of Portuguese, Dutch or British descent). Thus, one can say that the people of Malaysia are an enchanting potpourri of cultures, religions and races.
The people of Sarawak are made up of Dayaks, Kayans, Kenyahs, Kelabits (Orang Ulu), Melanaus, Sarawak Malays, Penans and Lun Bawang (Muruts). The Kenyahs and Kayans live along the Batang Rejang and Baram rivers. The Kenyahs and Kayans are renowned for their tattoos and large brass or lead earrings and elongated ear lobes. In Sabah, the indigenous groups consist of the Kadazans/Dusuns, Orang Sungei, Bisayas, Bajaus, Muruts, Rungus, Bruneis, Lotuds and many other subgroups. The Bajaus of Kota Belud are given the name ‘cowboys of the east’ as they ride on horses.

With an estimated population of 27.73 million in 2008, about 66.2% of the population is made up of Malays, Malay-related and aboriginal people; 25.1% Chinese; 7.4% Indians; and 1.3% comprise other races.

Malaysia is proud to be a multi-racial and multi-ethnic country living together harmoniously.

Education in Malaysia
Education is an essential part of human capital development and is the top priority of the Government. Annually, the government has set aside more than 20% of the nation’s budget for education and human resource development.
Malaysia has achieved a high score of 0.811 on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI) according to the Human Development Index Rankings 2007/2008 based on data in 2005. Malaysia is ranked in the 61st position in the HDI out of 177 countries, putting it at the same level as many developed nations. The HDI measures life expectancy, adult literacy rate, student enrolment ratio and GDP per capital for a broader definition of the nation’s well-being. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) categorises Malaysia as a high human development country.

Malaysia’s international education sector has grown tremendously during the past decade and is fast becoming a centre of educational excellence in the region. Malaysia currently houses more than 50,000 international students from more than 100 countries. Malaysia is proud to be the choice of study destination that offers quality international education at affordable cost. Many students choose to study in Malaysia because they recognize Malaysia as an ideal gateway to develop their Asian network and relationship as well as to learn from Malaysia’s great diversity, rapid economic development and people living in peace and harmony. The country has drawn up a National Higher Education Strategic Plan 2007-2020 which charts the path for higher education excellence and establishing world-class institutions.

The country is set to welcome 80,000 international students to study in Malaysia by the year 2010. Currently, the higher education opportunities in Malaysia are provided by 20 public universities, 24 polytechnics, 37 community colleges, 36 private universities, 4 foreign university branch campuses, about 450 private colleges, as well as various other higher institutions from UK, US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany and New Zealand, which offer twinning and franchised degree programmes through partnerships with Malaysian colleges and universities. The 38 international schools (American, Australian, Canadian and British-styled) and 12 expatriate schools which include French, German, Japanese and Taiwanese schools have facilities for students from pre-school to upper secondary levels. They provide parents with many options of pre-tertiary international education at affordable fees.

Education Information for Study in Malaysia
The website and StudyMalaysia Interactive CD ROM are useful electronic directories that list Malaysian higher-education institutions. They are particularly useful for international students in their search for courses and institutions. Other alternative education websites include and

Meanwhile, Malaysia’s own useful educational/study opportunities guidebooks, namely Education Guide Malaysia and Study in Malaysia Handbook (International Edition) can be obtained at various Malaysian libraries and major bookstores like the MPH, Popular Bookstore and others. There are also many other Malaysian education directories and magazines published in Mandarin/ English/Malay such as Education Quarterly magazine, CoursesNOW! magazine, Further Studies Intelligence magazine (Chinese), Higher Education Directory, Education Directory (Chinese), Study in Malaysia Handbook (Chinese), etc.

With the commitment of the government and education agencies, the welcoming environment and the many successful testimonies, you will discover that Malaysia is a WONDERFUL nation as a choice of vacation, investment and study destination.

“Selamat Datang Ke Malaysia”
, which means
“Welcome to Malaysia”



Saturday, December 27, 2008

An Overview
Education is the responsibility of the Government and it is committed to providing a sound education to all. The Malaysian education system encompasses education beginning from pre-school to university. Pre-tertiary education (pre-school to secondary education) is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education (MOE) while tertiary or higher education is the responsibility of the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). The vision of the Government is to make Malaysia a centre of educational excellence.

Primary and Secondary Education
Primary education (a period of 6 years) and secondary education (5 years which encompasses 3 years of lower secondary and 2 years of upper secondary) make up 11 years of free education. The admission age to the first year of primary education is seven. Primary schooling is mandatory for all children between the ages of 7 and 12. Students sit for common public examinations at the end of primary, lower secondary and upper secondary levels.

Post-secondary Education
Upon completion of secondary education, students can opt to pursue 1 to 2 years of post-secondary education. This is the university entrance preparatory course. In total, the 12 years of school education serves as the basic entry requirement into Year One of a bachelor degree programme in higher educational institutions.

Tertiary Education
At tertiary education level, institutions of higher learning offer courses leading to the awards of certificate, diploma, first degree and higher degree qualifications (at academic and professional fields). The duration of study for a basic bachelor degree programme is 3 years and the courses of study at this level are provided by both the public and private education sectors, attracting many international students.

Tertiary education providers consist of two major groups :

Public (government-funded) institutions of higher learning, for example, public universities, polytechnics, community colleges and teacher training institutes.
Private (private-funded) higher educational institutions (PHEIs), for example, private universities, private university colleges, foreign branch campus universities and private colleges.
Government-funded Educational Institutions
The Government provides more than 95% of primary and secondary education as well as about 60% of the tertiary education, with the private sector providing the balance.

Private-funded Educational Institutions
The private education providers in Malaysia can be broadly grouped into 2 categories, depending on the levels of education offered, ranging from pre-school to tertiary education. These two categories of private institutions are :

Private Educational Institutions (PEIs) which provide education at preschool, primary and secondary levels. They comprise private schools and foreign system schools.
Private Higher Educational Institutions (PHEIs) which provide tertiary education leading to the awarding of certificate,
diploma and degree qualifications.


why study in malaysia

Friday, December 26, 2008

Students and their parents always have many things to consider when they want to decide on where to further their studies. Among the reasons that Malaysia should be chosen are:

International standard and high quality education, which is closely monitored by the Malaysian Education Ministries, through their quality control authorities and appropriate legislation such as The Education Act, 1996, The Private Higher Educational Institutions Act, 1996 and National Accreditation Board Act, 1996.

Competitive course fees and extensive selection of popular courses.

Wide range of study options and many choices of universities and colleges to suit individual preference.

Twinning Degrees & 3+0 Degree programmes conducted in Malaysia offer a cost-effective route for quality education and qualifications from universities in the United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand and France.

Foreign University Branch Campuses which are operating in Malaysia enable students to acquire their prestigious university qualifications in a country that has lower living expenses.

Wide usage of English Language, easy for students who are already proficient in English to follow the courses, and for students who want to learn English will pick up the language.

Experience in human diversity and harmony, whereby Malaysians of different races and religions live in peace and tolerance with each other.

The existing 40,000 international students from 150 countries testifies the world-wide acceptance of Malaysian education. An environmental-friendly nation is a favoured destination for further study.

Hassle-free Immigration procedures, which enable foreign students to have easy entry into education institutions.

Affordable living expenses for as low as RM11,000.00 (US$2,895.00) per year.

International students are also allowed to do part-time job for a maximum of 20 hours per week while studying full-time in Malaysia subject to immigration requirements.

Economically sound and socially safe country, with a stable government and low serious crime rate.

Geographically safe environment, as Malaysia is situated in a zone free from most natural disasters.

Food paradise, which caters to any and every taste-bud - from purely vegetarian to halal food, ethnic cuisines and western ‘fast’ food choices.

Good transport system for easy mobility, high level of development and interesting places to visit for relaxation


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